RoadRunner can run PHP as AWS Lambda function.
PHP worker does not require any specific configuration to run inside a Lambda function. We can use the default snippet with internal counter to demonstrate how workers are being reused:
Copy <? php
* @var Goridge \ RelayInterface $relay
use Spiral \ Goridge ;
use Spiral \ RoadRunner ;
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 'stderr' ) ;
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php" ;
$worker = RoadRunner \ Worker :: create () ;
$psr7 = new RoadRunner \ Http \ PSR7Worker (
$worker ,
new \ Nyholm \ Psr7 \ Factory \ Psr17Factory () ,
new \ Nyholm \ Psr7 \ Factory \ Psr17Factory () ,
new \ Nyholm \ Psr7 \ Factory \ Psr17Factory ()
while ($req = $psr7 -> waitRequest () ) {
try {
$resp = new \ Nyholm \ Psr7 \ Response ();
$resp -> getBody () -> write ( "hello world" ) ;
$psr7 -> respond ( $resp ) ;
} catch ( \ Throwable $e) {
$psr7 -> getWorker () -> error ( ( string )$e ) ;
Copy composer require spiral/roadrunner-http nyholm/psr7
Copy package main
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed .rr.yaml
var rrYaml [] byte
func main () {
_ = os.Setenv( "PATH" , os.Getenv( "PATH" ) + ":" + os.Getenv( "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" ))
_ = os.Setenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" , "./lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64" )
cont := endure.New(slog.LevelError)
cfg := & config . Plugin {
Version: "2024.1.0" ,
Timeout: time.Second * 30 ,
Prefix: "rr" ,
Type: "yaml" ,
ReadInCfg: rrYaml,
err := cont.RegisterAll(
& logger . Plugin {},
& Plugin {},
& server . Plugin {},
if err != nil {
err = cont.Init()
if err != nil {
ch, err := cont.Serve()
if err != nil {
sig := make ( chan os . Signal , 1 )
signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
wg := & sync . WaitGroup {}
wg.Add( 1 )
go func () {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case e := <- ch:
err = cont.Stop()
if err != nil {
case <- sig:
err = cont.Stop()
if err != nil {
Copy package main
import (
poolImp ""
const (
pluginName string = "lambda"
type Plugin struct {
mu sync . Mutex
log * zap . Logger
srv Server
pldPool sync . Pool
wrkPool Pool
// Logger plugin
type Logger interface {
NamedLogger (name string ) * zap . Logger
type Pool interface {
// Workers returns workers list associated with the pool.
Workers () (workers [] * worker . Process )
// Exec payload
Exec (ctx context . Context , p * payload . Payload , stopCh chan struct {}) ( chan * poolImp . PExec , error )
// RemoveWorker removes worker from the pool.
RemoveWorker (ctx context . Context ) error
// AddWorker adds worker to the pool.
AddWorker () error
// Reset kill all workers inside the watcher and replaces with new
Reset (ctx context . Context ) error
// Destroy all underlying stacks (but let them complete the task).
Destroy (ctx context . Context )
// Server creates workers for the application.
type Server interface {
NewPool (ctx context . Context , cfg * pool . Config , env map [ string ] string , _ * zap . Logger ) ( * poolImp . Pool , error )
func (p * Plugin ) Init (srv Server , log Logger ) error {
p.srv = srv
p.log = log.NamedLogger(pluginName)
p.pldPool = sync . Pool {
New: func () any {
return & payload . Payload {
Codec: frame.CodecJSON,
Context: make ([] byte , 0 , 100 ),
Body: make ([] byte , 0 , 100 ),
return nil
func (p * Plugin ) Serve () chan error {
errCh := make ( chan error , 1 )
const op = errors.Op( "plugin_serve" )
var err error
p.wrkPool, err = p.srv.NewPool(context.Background(), & pool . Config {
NumWorkers: 4 ,
AllocateTimeout: time.Second * 20 ,
DestroyTimeout: time.Second * 20 ,
}, nil , nil )
if err != nil {
errCh <- errors.E(op, err)
return errCh
go func () {
// register handler
return errCh
func (p * Plugin ) Stop (ctx context . Context ) error {
if p.wrkPool != nil {
return nil
func (p *Plugin) handler() func(ctx context.Context, request events.APIGatewayV2HTTPRequest) (events.APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse, error) {
return func (ctx context . Context , request events . APIGatewayV2HTTPRequest ) ( events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse , error ) {
requestJSON, err := json.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
ctxJSON, err := json.Marshal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
pld := p.getPld()
defer p.putPld(pld)
pld.Body = requestJSON
pld.Context = ctxJSON
re, err := p.wrkPool.Exec(ctx, pld, nil )
if err != nil {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
var r * payload . Payload
select {
case pl := <- re:
if pl.Error() != nil {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
// streaming is not supported
if pl.Payload().Flags & frame.STREAM != 0 {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "streaming is not supported" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
// assign the payload
r = pl.Payload()
default :
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "worker empty response" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
var response events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(r.Body, & response)
if err != nil {
return events . APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse {Body: "" , StatusCode: 500 }, nil
return response, nil
func (p * Plugin ) putPld (pld * payload . Payload ) {
pld.Body = nil
pld.Context = nil
func (p * Plugin ) getPld () * payload . Payload {
pld := p.pldPool.Get().( * payload . Payload )
return pld
Copy version : "3"
server :
command : "php handler.php"
relay : pipes
logs :
mode : production
level : error
encoding : json
output : stderr
endure :
grace_period : 1s
Here you can use full advantage of the RoadRunner, you can include any plugin here and configure it with the embedded config (within reasonable limits).
Copy CGO_ENABLED = 0 GOOS = linux GOARCH = amd64 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s" -o bootstrap-amd64 main.go plugin.go
zip * -r
You can now upload and invoke your handler using simple string event.
Repository with the full example