Migration from RRv1 to RRv2

To migration integration from RoadRunner v1.* to v2.*/v2023+ follow the next steps.

Update Configuration

Second version of RoadRunner use single worker factory for all of its plugins. This means that you must include a new section into your config server which is responsible for the worker creation. Limit service no longer presented as separate entity but rather part of specific service configuration.

  listen: tcp://

  command: "php tests/psr-worker-bench.php"

  address: ""
    num_workers: 4

Read more in config reference.

No longer worry about echoing

RoadRunner 2.0+ intercepts all output to the STDOUT, this means you can start using default var_dump and other echo function without breaking the communication. Yay!

Explicitly declare PSR-15 dependency

We no longer ship the default PSR implementation with RoadRunner, make sure to include one you like the most by yourself. For example:

$ composer require nyholm/psr7

Update Worker Code

RoadRunner simplifies worker creation, use static create() method to automatically configure your worker:


use Spiral\RoadRunner;

include "vendor/autoload.php";

$worker = RoadRunner\Worker::create();

Pass the PSR-15 factories to your PSR Worker:


use Spiral\RoadRunner;
use Nyholm\Psr7;

include "vendor/autoload.php";

$worker = RoadRunner\Worker::create();
$psrFactory = new Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory();

$worker = new RoadRunner\Http\PSR7Worker($worker, $psrFactory, $psrFactory, $psrFactory);

RoadRunner 2 unifies all workers to use similar naming, change acceptRequest to waitRequest:


while ($req = $worker->waitRequest()) {
    try {
        $rsp = new Psr7\Response();
        $rsp->getBody()->write('Hello world!');

    } catch (\Throwable $e) {

Update RPCs

To create RPC client use new Goridge API:


$rpc = \Spiral\Goridge\RPC\RPC::create('tcp://');

Last updated