
Strictly speaking, AMQP (and 0.9.1 version used) is a protocol, not a full-fledged driver, so you can use any servers that support this protocol (on your own, only rabbitmq was tested), such as:

However, it is recommended to use RabbitMQ as the main implementation, and reliable performance with other implementations is not guaranteed.

To install and configure the RabbitMQ, use the corresponding documentation page.

Every messages pushed to the RabbitMQ server uses the publiser confirms. This means that the message is only considered as sent when the server confirms it. This is a reliable way to ensure that the message is delivered to the server.

After that, you should configure the connection to the server in the amqp section. This configuration section contains exactly one addr key with a connection DSN. The TLS configuration sits in the amqp.tls section and consists of the following options:

  • key: path to a key file.

  • cert: path to a certificate file.

  • root_ca: CA certificate path, used with the client_auth_type.

  • client_auth_type: also known as mTLS. Possible values are: request_client_cert, require_any_client_cert, verify_client_cert_if_given, require_and_verify_client_cert, no_client_certs.

You should also configure rabbitMQ with TLS support: link.

  addr: amqp://guest:guest@

  # AMQPS TLS configuration
  # This section is optional
    # Path to the key file
    # This option is required
    key: ""

    # Path to the certificate
    # This option is required
    cert: ""

    # Path to the CA certificate, defines the set of root certificate authorities that servers use if required to verify a client certificate. Used with the `client_auth_type` option.
    # This option is optional
    root_ca: ""

    # Client auth type (mTLS, peer verification).
    # This option is optional. Default value: no_client_certs. Possible values: request_client_cert, require_any_client_cert, verify_client_cert_if_given, require_and_verify_client_cert, no_client_certs
    client_auth_type: no_client_certs

Upon establishing a connection to the server, you can create a new queue that utilizes this connection and encompasses the queue settings, including those specific to AMQP.


version: "3"

  addr: amqp://guest:guest@

  # AMQPS TLS configuration
  # This section is optional
    # Path to the key file
    # This option is required
    key: ""

    # Path to the certificate
    # This option is required
    cert: ""

    # Path to the CA certificate, defines the set of root certificate authorities that servers use if required to verify a client certificate. Used with the `client_auth_type` option.
    # This option is optional
    root_ca: ""

    # Client auth type (mTLS, peer verification).
    # This option is optional. Default value: no_client_certs. Possible values: request_client_cert, require_any_client_cert, verify_client_cert_if_given, require_and_verify_client_cert, no_client_certs
    client_auth_type: no_client_certs

    # User defined name of the queue.
      # Driver name
      # This option is required.
      driver: amqp

      # Driver's configuration
      # Should not be empty

        # QoS - prefetch.
        # Default: 10
        prefetch: 10

        # Pipeline priority
        # If the job has priority set to 0, it will inherit the pipeline's priority. Default: 10.
        priority: 1

        # Redial timeout (in seconds). How long to try to reconnect to the AMQP server.
        # Default: 60
        redial_timeout: 60

        # Durable queue
        # Default: false
        durable: false

        # Durable exchange (rabbitmq option: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html#exchanges)
        # Default: false
        exchange_durable: false

        # Auto-delete (exchange is deleted when last queue is unbound from it): https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html#exchanges
        # Default: false
        exchange_auto_delete: false

        # Auto-delete (queue that has had at least one consumer is deleted when last consumer unsubscribes) (rabbitmq option: https://www.rabbitmq.com/queues.html#properties)
        # Default: false
        queue_auto_delete: false

        # Delete queue when stopping the pipeline
        # Default: false
        delete_queue_on_stop: false

        # Queue name
        # Default: default
        queue: test-1-queue

        # Exchange name
        # Default: amqp.default
        exchange: default

        # Exchange type
        # Default: direct.
        exchange_type: direct

        # Routing key for the queue
        # Default: empty.
        routing_key: test

        # Declare a queue exclusive at the exchange
        # Default: false
        exclusive: false

        # When multiple is true, this delivery and all prior unacknowledged deliveries
        # on the same channel will be acknowledged.  This is useful for batch processing
        # of deliveries
        # Default: false
        multiple_ack: false

        # The consumer_id is identified by a string that is unique and scoped for all consumers on this channel.
        # Default: "roadrunner" + uuid.
        consumer_id: "roadrunner-uuid"

        # Use rabbitmq mechanism to requeue the job on fail
        # Default: false
        requeue_on_fail: false

        # Queue headers (new in 2.12.2)
        # Default: null
          x-queue-mode: lazy

Configuration options

Here is a detailed description of each of the amqp-specific options:


priority- job priority. A lower value corresponds to a higher priority. For instance, consider two pipelines: pipe1 with a priority of 1 and pipe10 with a priority of 10. Workers will only take jobs from pipe10 if all the jobs from pipe1 have been processed.


prefetch - rabbitMQ QoS prefetch. See also "prefetch-size". Note that if you use a large number of workers and a small prefetch number, some of the workers may not be loaded with messages (jobs) due to the blocking nature of the prefetch. This would result in poor RoadRunner performance and waste of resources.


queue - required, AMQP internal (inside the driver) queue name.


exchange - required, rabbitMQ exchange name.

See also AMQP model documentation section.

Exchange type

exchange_type - rabbitMQ exchange type. May be one of direct, topics,headers or fanout.

Routing key

routing_key - queue's routing key. Required to push the Job.


exclusive - applied to the queue, exclusive queues cannot be redeclared. If set to true, and you attempt to declare the same pipeline twice, it will result in an error.

Multiple ack

multiple_ack - this delivery, along with all prior unacknowledged deliveries on the same channel, will be acknowledged. This feature is beneficial for batch processing of deliveries and is applicable only for Ack, not for Nack.

Requeue on fail

requeue_on_fail - requeue on Nack (by RabbitMQ).

Read more about Nack in RabbitMQ official docs: https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html#consumer-nacks-requeue

Queue headers

queue_headers - used to pass arguments to the Queue create method, such as x-queue-mode: lazy


durable - create a durable queue.

Default: false

Delete queue on stop

delete_queue_on_stop - delete the queue when the pipeline is stopped.

Default: false

Redial timeout

redial_timeout - Redial timeout (in seconds). How long to try to reconnect to the AMQP server.

Exchange durable

exchange_durable - Durable exchange (rabbitmq option).

Default: false

Exchange auto delete

exchange_auto_delete - Auto-delete (exchange is deleted when last queue is unbound from it): link.

Default: false

Queue auto delete

queue_auto_delete - Auto-delete (queue that has had at least one consumer is deleted when last consumer unsubscribes): link.

Default: false

Consumer id

consumer_id - string that is unique and scoped for all consumers on this channel.

Last updated