
RoadRunner supports both YAML and JSON configuration formats. The examples in our documentation use YAML, but you can use JSON as well.

To convert a YAML configuration file to JSON, you can use an online tool such as

Configuration reference

The most recent configuration reference with all available options can be found in the .rr.yaml file in the RoadRunner GitHub repository:

We use dots as level separators, e.g.: http.pool, you can't use dots in section names, queue names, etc. You can find out more about it here.

Configuration file

The RoadRunner looks for a configuration file named .rr.yaml in the same directory as the server binary.

If your configuration file and other application files are located in a different directory than the binary, you can use the -w option to specify the working directory.

./rr serve -w /path/to/project

You can also use the -c option to specify the path to the configuration file if you don't want to specify the working directory.

./rr serve -c /path/to/project/.rr-dev.yaml

Or you can combine the -c and -w options to specify both the configuration file and the working directory:

./rr serve -c .rr-dev.yaml -w /path/to/project

Read more about starting the server in the Server Commands section.

CLI command and arguments

You can also use environment variables in CLI commands to customize the behavior of your RR server. This is especially useful when you need to pass configuration values that are environment-specific or sensitive, such as secrets or API keys.

set -a
source /var/www/config/.env
set +a

exec /var/www/rr \
  -c /var/www/.rr.yaml \
  -w /var/www \
  -o http.pool.num_workers=${RR_NUM_WORKERS:-8} \
  -o http.pool.max_jobs=${RR_MAX_JOBS:-16} \
  -o http.pool.supervisor.max_worker_memory=${RR_MAX_WORKER_MEMORY:-512}

The set -a enables automatic exporting of variables. Any variables that are defined in /var/www/config/.env will be automatically exported to the environment, making them available to any child processes that are executed from the current shell. The final set +a command disables automatic exporting of variables, ensuring that only the variables that were defined in /var/www/config/.env are exported, and preventing any unintended variables from leaking into the environment.

In this example, the following options are used:



Specifies the configuration file.


Specifies the working directory.


Overwrites specific configuration options.


File that contains the required environment variables.


Sets the number of workers to RR_NUM_WORKERS from the .env file or uses the default value of 8 if the variable is not present.

What's Next?

  1. Server Commands - learn how to start the server.

  2. PHP Workers β€” Environment variables - learn how to configure PHP workers environment.

  3. Config plugin - learn more about the Config plugin.

Last updated