
There are several ways to install RoadRunner, depending on your needs and preferences.

Pre-built Binaries

The simplest way to get the latest version of RoadRunner is to download one of the pre-built release binaries, which are available for various operating systems, including macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. You can find these binaries on the GitHub releases page.

To install RoadRunner, just download the appropriate archive from the releases page and extract it into your desired application directory.


If you prefer to use RoadRunner inside a Docker container, you can use the official RoadRunner Docker image

More information about available tags can be found here.

Here is an example of usage

FROM AS roadrunner
FROM php:8.x-cli

COPY --from=roadrunner /usr/bin/rr /usr/local/bin/rr

# Install and configure your application
# ...

CMD rr serve -c .rr.yaml

Don't forget to replace 2024.X.X with a desired version of RoadRunner.


If you use Composer to manage your PHP dependencies, you can install the spiral/roadrunner-cli package to download the latest version of RoadRunner to your project's root directory.

Install the package

composer require spiral/roadrunner-cli

Run the following command to download the latest version of RoadRunner

./vendor/bin/rr get-binary

Server binary will be available at the root of your project.

PHP's extensions php-curl and php-zip are required to download RoadRunner automatically. PHP's extensions php-sockets need to be installed to run roadrunner. Check with php --modules your installed extensions.

Debian Package

For Debian-based operating systems such as Ubuntu, Mint, and MX, you can download the .deb package from the RoadRunner GitHub releases page and install it using dpkg.

Just run the following commands

sudo dpkg -i roadrunner-2024.X.X-linux-amd64.deb

Don't forget to replace 2024.X.X with a desired version of RoadRunner.

macOS package using Homebrew:

brew install roadrunner

Windows using Chocolatey:

choco install roadrunner


You can also install RoadRunner using curl and the script from the RoadRunner GitHub repository.

Just run the following commands

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

What's Next?

After you have installed RoadRunner, you can proceed to the next steps and configure it for your needs.

Last updated